No Bake Golden Oreos Blueberry Tart
11:30 PM
Everyone got their own thing that makes them happy right? Well for me, I got all excited every time I watched a cooking videos on Youtube, and thinking of when will I try that recipe. So this post is about baking session! This is my comfort zone guys, just spending my "me time" in the kitchen, listening to my spotify playlist, dancing while I'm doing it, is truly a happy place for me. Find your thing, discover yourself and enjoy the moment.
recipe by Laura in the Kitchen (i just change the raspberry to blueberry)
This recipe was amazing, the taste was fenomenal! you don't need to add anymore sugar to the crust, since the golden oreos itself is already sweet. And the perfect part is that for you people who live abroad like me (where finding an oven in the apartment that you rent is truly rare), you can make this since it is a no bake golden ores tart afterall :)
Stephanie Gee